When Jenna Curry was a rising young high school basketball prospect in West Virginia, she looked forward to competing in the Deep South Classic each summer. Now Jenna Curry is coaching a travel team, and she is excited about taking her Infinity Flight club to the Deep South.
“When I was playing, we played in the Deep South Classic every year,” Curry remembered. “The main thing I remember is that there were always so many college coaches at the tournament. I also remember that it was well organized, and we always had a great time.”
Infinity Flight, which is based in Charleston, W.Va., will travel to the 2015 Deep South Classic in Raleigh, NC on April 24-26. The Deep South Classic annually features the nation’s top travel programs, and the event will once again have the entire tournament in one facility — the tremendous Raleigh Convention Center.
Curry stressed that her young program is loaded with quality prospects in numerous age brackets. When pressed, she listed veterans Madison Jones (2016, 5-5 PG) and twin sisters Brittney and Whittney Justice (2017, 5-8, CG) as program leaders.
“The twins are both versatile guards who are outstanding with their dribble drive,” Curry said. “They can finish in the lane, and they are drive and pass. They are both tremendous defensive players. Madison is a point guard who can do it all. She is an unselfish player, but she will drive if she sees an opening, and she will hit the three if they give her too much space. She is also a leader on and off the court, and she plays outstanding in-your-face defense.”
Bret McCormick, the analyst for the All Star Girls Report, also provided his opinion on the Infinity Flight prospects.
“The Justice sisters are both quick combo guards with high motors,” he said. “The are good in the open floor, and they have nice mid-range games. Jones is a skilled lefty point guard. She is a tough competitor who can get to the rim, and she has deep three range.”
Infinity Flight will also boasts a series of younger prospects, including Jaden McDaniels (2018, 5-6, PG), Mikayla Long (2018, 5-7, G), LaShae Watts (2019, 6-2, P) and Ashley Scott (2019, 5-9, SG).
“Jaden is one of the quickest girls I’ve ever seen, and she is a great leader. She is unstoppable when she drives to the basket, she has a beautiful three-point shot, and she is a lock down defender,” Curry said. “Mikayla is an awesome three-point shooter who is very smart and very coachable.
“LaShae can dominate with her size and strength in the post. When I watch LaShae, I forget she is only 14. She has great post moves, she is physical and agile. Ashley is a very athletic guard who can shoot the three. She is the type of player who, if she makes a mistake on the offensive end, she is going to do whatever she can on the defensive end to make up for that mistake.”
“McDaniels is a quick point guard who understands the game. She can get to the rim, hit the three, and she will compete at both ends,” added McCormick. “Long is an intelligent, athletic, versatile guard with deep three range. Watts is a true low post player who good footwork. She is also athletic and active on the court. Scott is an athlete who is an explosive leaper. She can shoot the three, and she is aggressive on offense and defense.”